200 Level: Fundamentals 1 and 2

Suhaila Salimpour Format Foundation Technique and Application

Distance Learning: Study from home!

Foundations 1 and 2 Test Preparation Courses

Foundations 1 and 2 courses are twelve week online courses designed to prepare dancers for certification testing.  At the end of a course, with approval, students may test for the respective certification level.


S201dd: Foundations 1 for Non-Testers: 12 Week Course

  • Offers three different training tiers.  Designed to help you learn more about 201 material, the training progression, and to get technique feedback.
  • Focuses on development of one choreography (Syncopations or Ala Nar) and, through that process, demonstrates how to prepare other choreographies.
  • Choose which assignments you submit and which ones you want to skip.  Course Peer Leaders can help you make decisions on specific focus areas.
  • Does not include the performance gridwork exercises that are part of the 201d course.
  • Requires 101 certification but not 102 certification for enrollment. 


S201d: Foundations 1 Testing Preparation: 12 Week Course

  • Fine tune your foundational technique and choreography in preparation for the Salimpour Foundations 1 Certification Exam.  You can take the course several times before you test or take the course as a review of material.
  • Weekly assignments include quizzes, creativity work, and written work, as well as video submissions that focus on choreography and technique drills.
  • Personalized feedback is provided via email, audio, and video.
  • This certification test preparation course is required of all students wishing to take the Salimpour Foundations 1 Certification Exam
  • Requires two prerequisites: 101 certification and 102 certification.


S202d: Foundations 2 Testing Preparation: 12 Week Course

  • Fine tune your foundational technique and choreography in preparation for the Salimpour Foundations 1 Certification Exam. You can take the course several times before you test or take the course as a review of material.
  • Weekly assignments include quizzes, creativity work, and written work, as well as video submissions that focus on choreography and technique drills.
  • Personalized feedback is provided via email, audio, and video.
  • This certification test preparation course is required of all students wishing to take the Salimpour Foundations 2 Certification Exam
  • Requires 201 and 102 certification for enrollment.

Steps for Certification in the Foundations Level

Foundations 1

  • Prepare, Learn and Train
  • Technique Pre-Check Submission
  • Enroll in the Testing Course
  • Take the Certification Exam

Foundations 2

  • Learn, Train, Prepare
  • Enroll in the Testing Preparation Course
  • Take the Certification Exam



A certification testing exam is available, with instructor approval, for an additional fee following successful completion of a testing preparation course.  Visit the Certification Exams page.

During a course, students submit video of themselves performing the assignment such as a technique combination or a choreography.  Evaluators give specific, individualized feedback on the assignments so that students can apply the feedback to other assignments during the course.

Workshops are live, in-person events.

Courses are multi-week online programs offered through the Institute for distance learning.

Classes are offered individually or as part of series.  Usually in 45 to 90 minute increments, classes are available through the Salimpour Online Classes or licensed instructors.


Virtual Private Lessons

Virtual private lessons are available at any point in the process.  Our experienced instructors give you feedback on your training.  And they’ve been through the program, so they can provide helpful and proven techniques and approaches.