public speaking

Public Speaking

Suhaila Salimpour is a professional educator and mentor who works with people through public speaking, corporate workshops, coaching, and movement workshops.  You’ll benefit from her lifetime of experience as a public figure, business owner, and performer. 

Her diverse range of clients include: corporations, professional clubs, charitable institutions, performers, fitness professionals, women/minority business owners, entrepreneurs, and dance students.

Public Speaking Topics

Book one of Suhaila’s thought-provoking talks that can also be expanded into or combined with an interactive workshop.  

    • Create the life you always wanted
    • Building cross-cultural connections
    • Networking to build meaningful and long-lasting partnerships
    • Inspiring stories of survival and perseverance
    • Thriving as a woman entrepreneur
    • Building your woman-owned business in a man’s world
    • Creating and sticking to 5- and 10-year business plans
    • Developing your creativity
    • Getting out of your own way
    • Building the life you want
    • Overcoming adversity and setbacks
    • Identifying your core values

Corporate Workshop Topics

Below are examples of Suhaila’s most popular corporate workshops. Contact her with your specific goals to have a workshop developed specifically for your audience to meet your time requirements.  These workshops can be combined with talks, breakout sessions, and even one-on-one coaching for participants.

Own Your Power: Bring Your Belly Dancer to the Board Room

The skills you need to survive as a professional belly dancer include an entrepreneurial spirit, sharp business sense, sensitive cross-cultural awareness, and charisma to command tough audiences. Sound familiar?  As a solo woman entrepreneur, Suhaila built an international career. In this workshop, she’ll guide you through proven exercises so that you can bring your inner belly dancer into any challenging professional situation with a performance that will bring down the house!

Build Your Personal Brand

What do you stand for? What do you want to be known for? Are those ideas the same? We build our personal brand daily.  In this session, you’ll learn how to best communicate your skills, values, and unique personality so that you can differentiate yourself from the crowd and be recognized for your talents and strengths.

Reduce Your Stress with Movement: Core Dimension™ for the Busy Professional

According to a recent Gallup poll, 8 out of 10 Americans say they feel stress on a typical day. While we might not be able to reduce our ongoing obligations, we can learn to manage stress through mindful movement and moving meditation.  You will be guided through movement exercises to release stress and find inner calm. Use these concepts to enjoy more restful sleep and increased energy.

Non-Verbal Communication: Harness the Power of Your Emotional Projection

Over 75% of our communication is non-verbal. But when was the last time you examined how others interpret what you’re projecting?  In this workshop, you will be guided through exercises to craft your non-verbal communication to convey your message in the way that you intend.  We’ll examine how others read your body and voice, giving you a greater sense of personal power and awareness.

Power in Breath: Find Your Inner Strength

By managing breath, we can moderate our physical and emotional selves and even reduce our blood pressure and stress levels.  In this workshop, we’ll control breath through vocalizations and movement. Learn how to use your breathing to build your personal presence, command a room, and project your intention with power and poise.

Own the Room: How to Hold Space and Command Attention

How do you make a good first impression? Most people develop an opinion about you in 7 seconds.  In this workshop, we learn to enter the room with power and poise.  We’ll examine and refine our posture, gait, and facial expressions so you can leave the impression you want, in any situation.

Executive Presence: Command Your Audiences 

Where you stand, where you look, and when you change body position have an effect on the people around you.  Learn to command your audiences with your placement and gaze with Suhaila’s simple, yet effective, Grid system. You’ll be better able to manage a room, cultivate a sense of personal power, and leave an indelible impression on your listeners.