Music Catalog, Copyright, and Permissions

Suhaila Salimpour's published music and video catalog. Photo by Pixie Vision, 2013.

Music Catalog

Suhaila Salimpour has produced music for Salimpour School students since her first album in the late 1980s.  Her catalog includes over 16 CDS and 2 double albums.  She also offers audio training for finger cymbals and format training.  See the Resources section on this page for links.


Music Copyright

  1. Suhaila Salimpour, the Salimpour School, and Suhaila International, LLC hold the copyright to the downloadable music.
  2. The music is for your own personal use to be played privately with the following exception: music may be played by instructors in class and workshops 1) provided that music credit is given and 2) provided that the classes are workshops are not videoed, taped, recorded, or otherwise captured.
  3. Music may not be used in any filmed, videoed recorded or taped classes, workshops, performances, DVDs, videos, sound files, etc. without prior and written permission from Suhaila Salimpour and Suhaila International, LLC.
  4. The music may not be duplicated, broadcast, copied, or mixed.


Violin. Photograph by Rachel Duff Photography,
Photograph by Rachel Duff Photography.
Photograph by Rachel Duff Photography.